Drugs and alcohol have no place at work and significantly increase the risk of injury to both those who use drugs and alcohol and others around them. All staff, contractors and visitors have the following responsibilities;
· To ensure they report for work and remain in a condition to perform their duties free from the effects of drugs, alcohol or any other substances, whether on company premises or at external locations.
· Alcohol remains in the body long after an alcoholic drink is consumed and this must be remembered when drinking outside of working hours, including the previous evening.
· Staff who are `on call` must ensure they are not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances during the `on call` period as they may be required to make decisions / drive / attend work
· Staff taking medication should seek advice on any adverse impact on work performance or behaviour, particularly with regard to safety.
· If a problem or suspected problem relating to drugs, alcohol or substance misuse has been identified the member of staff has a responsibility to seek help, by attending a relevant external agency.
· Staff should inform their manager if they know or suspect that a staff member (including visitor, students, contractors etc.) is under the influence of drugs, alcohol or other substance whilst engaged in company activity.
· All staff must advise the management if they are charged with and/or convicted of a drugs / drink driving offence in order to be able to consider the impact upon their role and appropriate action.
Not to bring illegal substances onto company and customer premises
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